
AA 技术文章下载


ACCA AA 技术文章(2020年)

The audit of assertions

This article focuses on assertions as identified by ISA 315 (Revised) and also provides useful guidance to candidates on how to tackle questions dealing with these.

The auditor’s report
The completion of an IAASB project in 2015 resulted in a set of new and revised standards on auditor reporting. These standards are examinable from the September 2016 exam session, meaning that AA and AAA candidates will be expected to understand the requirements and responsibilities of the auditor as set out in the standards.

Laws and regulations
It is important that candidates preparing for AA have an understanding of how laws and regulations affect an audit, not only in terms of the work the auditor is required to do, but also to appreciate the responsibilities of both management and the auditor where laws and regulations are concerned.

Using the work of internal auditors
Also available as a podcast on iTunes
This article focuses on the provision of direct assistance by the internal auditors, which – to date – has been a very controversial issue. Although internal auditors are the employees of the entity, which could result in threats to independence (either in fact or perceived) if direct assistance is provided by the internal auditors, there are benefits relating to this provision which cannot be ignored.

The audit of wages
Also available as a podcast on iTunes
The most common payroll frauds can affect even those companies that appear to have good internal controls. This article sets out to help AA/FAU candidates better identify significant deficiencies in internal control, explain the implications of the deficiencies and recommend appropriate controls. It considers the different stages in a typical wages system – for example, what tasks should be undertaken during both the interim audit and final audit stages – as well as the link between control objectives, controls and audit tests.

The control environment of a company
The purpose of this article is to provide candidates with a more detailed appreciation of matters pertinent to an auditor, focusing on the need for the auditor of a large limited liability company (in the UK – a limited company) to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s control environment.

ISA 315 (Revised), Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment (Related to Entity’s Internal Control)
One of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal control.

Going concern
It is essential that candidates preparing for the AA exam understand the respective responsibilities of auditors and management regarding going concern. This article discusses these responsibilities, as well as the indicators that could highlight where an entity may not be a going concern, and the reporting aspects relating to going concern.

Audit risk
This article outlines and explains the concept of audit risk, making reference to the key auditing standards which give guidance to auditors about risk assessment

Audit sampling
This article will consider the various sampling methods in the context of AA and FAU.

Subsequent events
This article considers how subsequent events can affect an entity’s financial statements, and discusses the auditing requirements AA candidates need to know.

Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment
This article provides guidance on various aspects of auditing in a computer-based accounting environment.

ISA 330 and responses to assessed risks
Outlining the requirements of ISA 330.

Audit working papers
How working papers provide evidence that an effective, efficient, and economic audit has been carried out.

Analytical procedures
An outline of the analytical procedures relevant to the audit papers.

Auditing in a computer-based environment
The aim of this article is to help students improve their understanding of computer-assisted techniques by giving practical illustrations of computer-based controls and the way they may feature in exam questions.

ACCA AA 技术文章(2019年)

The audit of financial statement assertions This article looks at the effect of revisions to ISA 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatements through Understanding the Entity and its Environment with respect to financial statement assertions.

The new auditor’s report The completion of an IAASB project in 2015 resulted in a set of new and revised standards on auditor reporting. These standards are examinable from the September 2016 exam session, meaning that F8 and P7 candidates will be expected to understand the requirements and responsibilities of the auditor as set out in the standards.

Laws and regulations It is important that candidates preparing for F8 have an understanding of how laws and regulations affect an audit, not only in terms of the work the auditor is required to do, but also to appreciate the responsibilities of both management and the auditor where laws and regulations are concerned.

Using the work of internal auditors Also available as a podcast on iTunes This article focuses on the provision of direct assistance by the internal auditors, which – to date – has been a very controversial issue. Although internal auditors are the employees of the entity, which could result in threats to independence (either in fact or perceived) if direct assistance is provided by the internal auditors, there are benefits relating to this provision which cannot be ignored.

The audit of wages Also available as a podcast on iTunes The most common payroll frauds can affect even those companies that appear to have good internal controls. This article sets out to help F8/FAU candidates better identify significant deficiencies in internal control, explain the implications of the deficiencies and recommend appropriate controls. It considers the different stages in a typical wages system – for example, what tasks should be undertaken during both the interim audit and final audit stages – as well as the link between control objectives, controls and audit tests.

The control environment of a company  The purpose of this article is to provide candidates with a more detailed appreciation of matters pertinent to an auditor, focusing on the need for the auditor of a large limited liability company (in the UK – a limited company) to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s control environment.

ISA 315 (Revised), Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment (Related to Entity’s Internal Control) One of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal control.

Going concern It is essential that candidates preparing for the F8 exam understand the respective responsibilities of auditors and management regarding going concern. This article discusses these responsibilities, as well as the indicators that could highlight where an entity may not be a going concern, and the reporting aspects relating to going concern.

Audit risk This article outlines and explains the concept of audit risk, making reference to the key auditing standards which give guidance to auditors about risk assessment

Audit sampling This article will consider the various sampling methods in the context of F8 and FAU.

Subsequent events This article considers how subsequent events can affect an entity’s financial statements, and discusses the auditing requirements F8 candidates need to know.

Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment This article provides guidance on various aspects of auditing in a computer-based accounting environment.

ISA 330 and responses to assessed risks Outlining the requirements of ISA 330.

Audit working papers How working papers provide evidence that an effective, efficient, and economic audit has been carried out.

Analytical procedures An outline of the analytical procedures relevant to the audit papers.

Examining evidence This article explains the importance of understanding audit evidence.

ISA 240 (redrafted), auditors and fraud The definitions given by International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 240 (Redrafted) of fraud and error, and the historical expectations of the audit role.

ACCA AA 技术文章

(Written by a member of the FAU examining team,Last updated: 22 Jul 2016)

The new auditor’s report

(Written by a member of the F8 examining team,Last updated: 22 Jul 2016)

Laws and regulations
(Last updated: 28 Jul 2015)

Using the work of internal auditors
(Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

The audit of wages
(Written by a member of the Paper FAU examining team,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

The control environment of a company
(Written by a member of the audit examining team,Last updated: 31 May 2016)

ISA315(Revised),Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment( Related to Entity’s Internal Control))
(Last updted:20 Apr 2015)

Audit procedures
(Vijaya Swaminathan is a technical author for Paper F8 at Get Through Guides,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

Going concern
(Written by a member of the Paper F8 examining team,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

Audit risk
(Last updated: 7 Jul 2016)

Audit sampling 
(Steve Collings is assessor for Paper F8,Last updatd:20 Apr 2015)

Subsequent events
(Steve Collings is assessor for Paper F8,Last updatd:20 Apr 2015)

Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment
(Written by a member of the audit exam team,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

A matter of opinion
(Simon Finley is an audit subject specialist at Kaplan Publishing,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

ISA 330 and responses to assessed risks
(Last updated:20 Apr 2015)

Audit working papers
(Last updated:20 Apr 2015)

Analytical procedures
(Last updated: 24 Feb 2016)

Examining evidence
(Cinnie Richardson is a lecturer at FTC Kaplan in Singapore,Last updated: 20 Apr 2015)

ISA 240 (redrafted),auditors and fraud
(Last updated:20 Apr 2015)



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